Glenn Westlake Middle School

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New Traffic Pattern Now In Place

Dear Glenn Westlake Families,

These first few weeks of school have offered all of us -- students and staff -- a wonderful start to the school year. Thank you for your ongoing patience and support as we navigated the temporary traffic pattern and continued working through the last of the construction on the roadways and parking lots. 

I am excited to share with you that we have successfully completed this first phase of construction, and we are ready to switch over to the new traffic pattern. I ask that you please read this communication carefully so you can be prepared for this change on Monday. 

Additionally, please do review the map that has been attached to this communication to help you better visualize and understand these changes. 

During drop-off and pick-up you will now enter from the North, proceed past Manor Hill, and into the designated “Parent Drop-Off/Parent Pick-Up” lane. There will be a crosswalk where students will be dropped off, and they will utilize that designated crosswalk to enter into GWMS.  To help alleviate congestion, the doors for GWMS will be open at 7:25A.M. to begin student drop off.  All students/parents/visitors will now enter through the front of the building.

The previous entrance you have been using over these past few weeks to the South of Manor Hill has now been designated as an exit only, so please do not attempt to enter into GWMS at this intersection. 

Directional signs have been placed throughout our roadways, but I ask that you please remain vigilant. Together, we all will be adjusting to this new flow of traffic, and it is important for the safety of all our students that you remain off your cell phone and follow all directional signage. 

Again, thank you for all of your patience over these past few weeks and certainly moving forward. We are grateful to the support of our parent community, and we are excited about what future changes are ahead for Glenn Westlake. 

To that end, if you are interested in learning more about this next phase of construction for GWMS, I encourage you to attend our next PTSA meeting where Superintendent Ted Stec will be speaking about the project. 



Mike Fumagalli
